Category Archives: Mountain Home Idaho Children Photography

The {B} Family: Mountain Home Family Photographer

I LOVE this family!! They know how to enjoy running around in the dirt and climbing trees and fences. We have so much fun together and the kiddos are naturally happy which makes my job so easy. Thanks for clomping around in the weeds with me {B} Family!


My youngest was…um, 9 months old in our last family photo, so I’ve been a little jealous of all my clients getting their family pictures done. I buckled down and wrangled my crew together and grabbed a friend to shoot the family portrait part of our shoot for me. I was dreading trying to do my own kids’ picture, but they did great, and my friend got a good shot of our family with EVERYONE looking at the camera, WOOHOOO!

The {M} Family: Mountain Home Idaho Family Photographer

I had the privilege of shooting this family so Dr. M could have a family portrait in his new dental office. The kids are some of the cutest around, but I’m a little biased since they are my niece and nephews. I love how patient Mom and Dad are with their little ones, they are so great! 

Thanks for a great evening!

Miss {G}: Mountain Home, ID Child Photography

This little girl is so full of energy! I took a lot of pictures of her…running away. I sure do miss her, her family moved away a little while ago. I’m glad I could catch a few shots of her cute little curls before they left.

Bountiful Utah Family Photography: The {M} Family Children

Last week I was down in Utah and had the pleasure of taking photographs of these great kids, unfortunately Dad M was out of town so we couldn’t do the whole family. Mom M went ahead and had me do a shoot with the kiddos and I’m so glad she did!

 They were all SO cooperative and we got TONS of great shots of them. Here is the man of the house while Dad is away.

The camera was loving these sweet girls, and they were loving the camera right back! 

Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can see each other again and we’ll make sure Dad is around.


Mountain Home Idaho Child Photographer: The {T} boys

These little men were a hoot! There was lots of dinosaur growling going on during this shoot, and running, and playing with sticks. They did hold still long enough for some pictures though, good job boys! 

There is a fun little stream running through this park. While Mommy T and I were focused on getting some shots of Baby T the older two boys managed to get in the water and then shed their shoes, socks, AND PANTS! Hysterical!! They were fast, we hadn’t even noticed until we turned to take their picture with their brother again.

Sweet Little {L}, Mountain Home Child Photorgapher

I had the pleasure of shooting this sweet girl yesterday.

I’ve watched her grow over the last year and my how she has changed. When her mom asked me to take her 18 month pictures I was excited. We talked about capturing some of her personality and things she loves right now like clumpy shoes and big purses.

Miss L has been working on perfecting a funny little scowl for the last few months and I was hoping to capture that little quirk that is often forgotten after kids grow. (This picture is hysterical!! It makes me laugh EVERY time I look at it)

Well, there was no problem catching the scowl and I’m sure Miss L’s mommy left the shoot wondering if there were any pictures of her not scowling.  I’m happy to report there were, and that I had so much fun chasing after her to capture who she is right now before she grows up.

I may or may not have given her a giant lollipop.



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